Make your
projects fly!
Funding COACH
Funding Management
Business Coaching & Mentoring
I help individuals and organizations
achieve success in their funding journey
I do this by developing and executing innovative projects or programs
and by applying systemic business coaching & mentoring.

Problems I solve

Funding Management
Business Coaching & Mentoring
Funding Management
Planning and Aquisition
I support to identify the right funding opportunity,
to transform ideas into persuasive crafted proposals, documents and pitch decks, tailored to meet the specific requirements of your funding source.
I support you all the way to the successful implementation of your funding applications and rounds.

Interim Project Management
With years of experience in national and international projects, I offer my services as a cooperation partner or freelancer to implement funding projects.
I have successfully held various leadership roles, from coordinator to work package lead, and provide interim management to ensure your projects run smoothly and efficiently.

Areas of expertise
Specialized in Research, Education, Innovation Ecosystems, and Entrepreneurship within Deep Tech, eHealth, Bioeconomy, Circular Economy, Smart Cities and Smart Regions.
Known for flexibility in quickly grasping new knowledge and skills.
Business Coaching & Mentoring
Individual Funding Coaching
Unlock your financing potential with expert funding guidance for your funding journey. You will define your business strengths, develop funding strategies, set clear business and funding goals and action plans to achieve success.
As sparring partner, I support in breaking through challenges and questions that are holding you back.

Mentoring start-ups and scale-ups
As dedicated mentor for programs I work with teams on their funding journeys, their strategies, short-term and long-term goals. They gain clarity in refining and argumenting the business model and developing effective funding strategies for public and private funding. My mentoring focuses on providing in-depth expertise to ensure that financing goals are executed successfully - with solid planning and informed knowledge. Equally important for me is the personal growth of the team, their entrepreneurial skills, and self-confidence, enabling them to thrive both professionally and personally.

2023 Diploma Systemic Business Coaching

2011 Law, Social and Economical Sciences at the University of Vienna

2010-2016 Additional training and certifications in project management, controlling and funding management


2023+ Self-employed as systemic business coach, mentor and funding manager

2011-2023 Funding and project manager, in executive and advisory roles at University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, EIT Health Innostars Budapest, TU Vienna, University for Continuing Education Krems, Grassfish, OpenForce, etc.

2013-2018 Researcher and teacher

Happy to answer your questions via e-mail or phone.
Malgorzata Goraczek e.U.
Phone: +436607114015

Lindengasse 56 / 18-19
1070 Vienna, Austria
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